Northwest ARS May Testing Session - In person (only) computer based testing
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In person (only) computer based testing at HCESD 16 Admin Building, 18606 Stuebner Airline, Spring TX 77379. Directions: Traveling north on Stuebner Airline, turn right off of Stuebner Airline into the driveway, then turn right into the parking area in front of the main building. Those traveling south on Stuebner Airline, drive past the entrance, and then turn around at the next crossover. Do not attempt to enter the gates into the back parking area. Enter the building through the main entrance and proceed to the conference room on the left. Doors open at 8:30am and check in will begin as soon as the VEs have set up the room for testing (no later than 9:00am). Candidates must bring: a valid picture ID, their cell phone, proof of prior license if upgrading and the exam fee (check payable to ARRL VEC or cash-exact change). Walk-ins will be accommodated as time permits.