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In-person Computer Administered Test Session

Apr 11, 2024 (Thu)
6:30-9:00pm EDT
Test Fee:
5145 Due W Rd NW, Powder Springs, GA 30127, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
4 / 6 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

This is an in-person online computer administered test using VE supplied laptops at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church

You must have an FRN# from the FCC prior to testing.

To obtain an FRN you need to:

  1. Create a CORES account with the FCC (if you have not already done so).
  2. Sign into your CORES account.
  3. Select "Register New FRN" and follow the instructions.

All applicants are required to provide an email address on all applications. The licensees will receive an electronic issuance of an official copy of their licenses from the FCC upon application grant and initial license ($35) fees paid. Certain email preferences and email services may potentially block or filter incoming email attachments. Applicants should set their email preferences to allow incoming email from authorizations@fcc.gov before their applications are submitted.

Our VE Test session fee is $15 (cash only and correct change please) due at time of test. Note, this is separate from the FCC license fee above.

After the test, if you have not heard from the FCC within 3-4 business days, you need to contact the FCC at the link below.

FCC initial license fee must be paid online following these directions before they will issue a call sign: https://www.fcc.gov/payment-process-uls-individual-filers