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Granite Bay VE Team

Jun 14, 2025
4:00 PM-6:00 PM
GBVET: Granite Bay VE Team
Test Fee:
6845 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay, CA 95746, USA
view map
W5YI Licensing Services
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:

This is an in-person, tablet-based, ham radio exam session that is open to the public. The testing will take place in the Raley's Events Center located in the back left corner of the store. The tablets will be provided by the VE Team. Walk-in applicants are welcome. If you are planning to attend, please pre-register.

We try to start the session at 9:00 a.m. and will go as long as people are testing or 11:00 a.m. whichever occurs first. Arrive early or risk the testing session being over.

You will need to bring ID to the exam session. A government issued photo ID is preferred.

The exam fee is $14.00 payable by cash or check at the exam session. If paying by check, make the check payable to "Jeff Sims". For applicants under the age of 18, the $14.00 exam fee will be refunded if the applicant passes the exam. Proof of under-18 status is required at the session.

You will need an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to take an exam. If you do not already have one, the exam registration process will guide you through the process of obtaining one. You may also choose to get your FRN in advance by visiting the FCC's CORES website

If you have passed another ham radio license exam recently and the corresponding license has not yet been issued, please bring both the original and a photocopy of your Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCE)

If you would like to use a calculator during your exam, please bring one to the session. You may use any calculator you like, but you will be required to demonstrate that all memories have been cleared. Calculator apps on smartphones or personal tablets will not be permitted.

Please contact Jeff Sims at jeff.sims929@gmail.com or (916)342-5431 if you have any questions.