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Inland Empire PAPA Breakfast and Test Session

May 10, 2025 (Sat)
8:00-9:00am PDT
Test Fee:
1874 Mentone Blvd, Mentone, CA 92359, USA
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Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:

PAPA Inland Empire

Date: May 10, 2025

Time: 08:00 AM-09:00 AM

Team: AI6BX-IE: PAPA-Inland Empire

Test Fee: $10.00

Location: 1874 Mentone Boulevard Mentone, CA 92359

view map

VEC: Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group

Walk-ins Welcome

Notes from the team: This session is sponsored by The PAPA System • Candidates passing their Technician class exam will receive a free radio. • The PAPA System will hold their monthly meeting after the exam. You are welcome to join us. Location: Mill Creek Cattle Company 1874 Mentone Boulevard Mentone, CA 92359. map The Session Manager is Keith Kasin, AI6BX. Please arrive promptly because we only have an hour to conduct the exam. PRE-REGISTRATION IS APPRECIATED - REGISTER HERE

  • SUCCESSFUL TECHNICIAN APPLICANTS WILL RECEIVE A FREE PREPROGRAMMED RADIO COMPLIMENTS OF THE PAPA SYSTEM! * Exam will be conducted on an electronic device with a paper option if needed. Candidates, please bring the following items: • A government photo ID (driver's license, military ID or passport) • Your FCC Registration Number (FRN) • You may bring a blank sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, and a simple calculator if desired. Make sure you're ready to pass the exam. Use hamstudy.org to study, and then when you are regularly scoring about 85%, you are ready for your exam. The $10 exam fee is payable in cash at the exam Keep in mind that our time is somewhat limited. One fee will allow you to take the intended exam and if passed and you are prepared to pass it, the subsequent exam, e.g. pass the Technician exam and then take the General exam, but we discourage taking the time to try the next one “for the heck of it”. Also, if you fail the exam, you may be able to retake the exam, but a retest requires an additional fee. Exam Fee Waivers available If you are a minor 18 years and under, a student with a current ID, active military, a veteran, or a GLAARG VE upgrading to Extra. Contact the Session Manager if you qualify. While there is no minimum age To obtain a ham license (the youngest I personally know was 8 years old) Federal law specifies that parents or guardians of those under 13 provide written consent for the minor to access online services. Please contact the Session Manager for COPPA information. All extra class licensees are encouraged to join GLAARG as a Volunteer Examiner. Please sign up after your upgrade or vanity call has been posted to the ULS. GLAARG VE APPLICATION Session Manager Contact Info: AI6BX@ARRL.net or (909) 478-4351