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AE7TD Remote GLAARG #7807 Sunday Jun 22nd @2pm Pacific Time (FREE for youth, students w/current ID, active duty military, veterans)

Jun 22, 2025 (Sun)
2:00-3:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:

The $10 exam fee can be waived for minors 17 and under, full-time students with current ID, and active duty or veterans of the US military. Your PayPal invoice will have easy instructions to request a waiver.

All classes of exams offered. You can take more than one exam per session, if ready to pass, but you must NOTIFY us prior to the exam started.

Early check-ins encouraged 15 minutes prior to the exam start time for youth, candidates is late time zones, and those candidates without Zoom experience so we have more time to work with you. All candidates must be checked in prior to the exam session start time.

The Zoom session invite and PayPal invoice will be sent to email used to register which must accept emails from the registrar and PayPal. Fee must be paid (or exam fee waiver requested) with 48 hours prior to exam start or slot will be released for someone else. Within the 48-hour window, the PayPal invoice is due (or exam fee waiver requested) immediately upon receipt.

Must have computer/laptop with stable Internet and Video+Audio. Rules and instructions are available at s: https://tinyurl.com/LWHC-RemoteExamInstructions/

First come, first served - PIN required.

** IMPORTANT: ** Contact us if you do not receive a payment email within 3 days after registration. It could be caught up in your SPAM filter. Contact info: exam.registrar@lakewashingtonhamclub.org

Important: You must contact us prior to the test day for exam fee refunds. We do not refund exam fees if you cancel on the test day or later. However rescheduling to another of our team's exam sessions is allowed up to the start of the exam -- just email us. After the start of the exam, you must pay another exam fee the next time you register.

We do not offer retests within the same session unless you failed because of actions outside of your control.