Test equipment: analog and digital instruments; spectrum analyzers; antenna analyzers; oscilloscopes; RF measurements
Which of the following limits the highest frequency signal that can be accurately displayed on a digital oscilloscope?
A digital oscilloscope operates by digitizing the signal with an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) before processing and displaying the result. An ADC is limited in the range of frequencies that can accurately be converted by what is known as the Nyquist frequency. This is typically 1/2 of the sampling rate of the ADC.
Hint: There are limits on how many samples you can get.
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Which of the following parameters does a spectrum analyzer display on the vertical and horizontal axes?
Envision an oscilloscope with a line going from left to right. The line going from left to right represents increments of frequencies. The line going up and down represents the strength (amplitude) of the sum of the signals present at the frequency. Most frequencies appear as spikes in compressed mode. Expand the line out, and the spikes appear as sharp mountains. This tool is useful in viewing frequencies close to the target frequency, bandwidths and RF shielding assessments.
Here is an example of a "spectrum scope", which is a type of spectrum analyzer display, along with the "waterfall display" under it:
More info here:
Silly Hint: Single Asian Dad / Seeking Asian Female
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Tags: arrl chapter 7
Which of the following test instruments is used to display spurious signals and/or intermodulation distortion products generated by an SSB transmitter?
A spectrum analyzer displays the strength of a signal, and signals above and below the signal's frequency. Since spurious signals and/or intermodulation distortion products appear above and below a SSB signals frequency, the spectrum analyzer is a useful test instrument for displaying these.
You can adjust the vertical and horizontal scales on a spectrum analyzer - the vertical scale is the signal strength in Decibels, and the horizontal scale is the width of the spectrum being displayed.
Hint - The question asks about "spurious" signals and the answer is "spectrum" analyzer. Both words start with "sp".
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 7b
How is compensation of an oscilloscope probe performed?
The probe is adjusted until the horizontal flats of a square wave are as flat as possible.
This adjustment is equivalent to making the probe have uniform attenuation over the range of frequencies to be measured. In passive probes this adjustment is usually a small adjustable capacitor.
Silly trick: Cubes are three dimensional, but squares are as flat as possible!
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 7b
What is the purpose of using a prescaler with a frequency counter?
A prescaler is an electronic counting circuit used to reduce a high frequency electrical signal to a lower frequency by integer division. The prescaler takes the basic timer clock frequency and divides it by some value before feeding it to the timer, according to how the prescaler register(s) are configured.
Mnemonic: think of -divisions- on a -scale-.
Silly Hint: the pre-schooler's (prescaler) voice has to be reduced to an acceptable range designated by the teacher (counter.)
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 7b
What is the effect of aliasing on a digital oscilloscope when displaying a waveform?
Nyquist's sampling theorem states that the highest frequency that can be unambiguously reconstructed is at half the sampling rate, and above this, aliasing occurs.
If one should sample at 20MHz, signals of up to 10MHz can be reconstructed.
For example, if one supplied a 20,000,000 Hz signal to this oscilloscope, the oscilloscope would sample the same value every cycle, and the signal would totally disappear. If one instead supplied a 20,000,001Hz signal, the signal would drift in phase with the sampling at 1Hz, and a false 1Hz sine wave would be displayed.
Generally, an oscilloscope sampling at 20MHz will have filters to reject signals above 10MHz for this reason.
Memory Aid: When you read “aliasing” in the question, think of an alias as a false name. This will drive you toward the correct answer choice.
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 7b
Which of the following is an advantage of using an antenna analyzer compared to an SWR bridge?
An antenna analyzer has its own built in signal source.
Hint: "Antenna analyzer" and "SWR" are in both the question and answer.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9g
Which of the following is used to measure SWR?
The SWR, or Standing Wave Ratio, is the (voltage) ratio of the largest voltage on the transmission line to the smallest voltage, and it depends on how much signal is reflected back from some device, typically your antenna. When no signal is reflected back, then you have a "traveling wave", with the intended signal at full power all the time. When some power is reflected back, the forward and backward waves will interfere with each other, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing the voltage. The ratio of those two voltages is the (V)SWR.
All three of the named devices can measure SWR.
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Which of the following is good practice when using an oscilloscope probe?
There are multiple potential issues with having a longer ground connection:
The scope is measuring the voltage differential between the ground and whatever you connect the probe to, so by keeping the ground short you minimize any voltage drop there may be.
The probe tip and ground of an oscilloscope acts like a sensitive antenna loop. The bigger the loop the more undesired signals or noise it will pick up. Also, the inductance of the ground wire increases with length, which can distort high-frequency signals. So, keep it short as possible.
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 7b
Which trigger mode is most effective when using an oscilloscope to measure a linear power supply’s output ripple?
An oscilloscope plots voltage over time -- but that won't be very helpful unless it is able to find the point where the pattern repeats, otherwise it would just be showing a pattern at a random point in time. A trigger is used to determine when the beginning of the pattern is.
"Line triggers" are Edge triggers that look for the 50% level of the selected slope on the AC power line (mains) connected to the oscilloscope. In other words, whenever the 50% level is crossed it uses that as a reference point.
A Line trigger is useful when measuring power supplies, inverters and rotating machinery that are Line frequency dependent.
Test hint: "...measure a linear power supply's output ripple," The word "linear" contains "line."
Silly Hint: Pull the TRIGGER at the firing LINE.
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Which of the following can be measured with an antenna analyzer?
An antenna analyzer will test all the properties of the system it is connected to. That includes the coax and the antenna. All the answers are parameters of the antenna / coax system. Note that not all analyzers can perform all of these measurements.
Velocity Factor – the ratio of the speed of transmission on the line to the speed of light, which changes the effective wavelength of the material
Resonant Frequency of a tuned circuit – this can be determined by finding the frequency where the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) is the lowest, since that's the point where the impedance match is the best due to resonance.
Cable Length – Different analyzers can measure this in different ways, but usually it involves leaving the cable disconnected from any antenna so that it can measure various characteristics of the coax which allows it to determine the length.
Hint: Anetnna Analyzer All
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