Test Session
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Thank you for choosing Sachse Amateur Radio Association for your exam needs. To better serve you please click https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SB5QMFf2OGt78EE_I7v1Zm5i6-iLCUv2/view?usp=sharing Fill it out and send it back to w5sra.ve.team@gmail.com before the exam session. We can then check you into the system and streemline the process. In addition you are required to bring the following items to the test session. (1) Photo Identification (state issued driver license, Passport, Military I.D. Etc.) (2) A copy of your current license or CSCE (If you are upgrading to General or Amateur Extra) (3) Pen and/or pencil. (4) Non memory calculator (or proof of memory cleared), (Cell phone use is prohibited) We look forward to seeing you at our next session.