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Inmarsat Equip. & Comms:

Section 75

Inmarsat/Iridium Distress Communications

Which statement is FALSE regarding an Inmarsat Distress request?

  • The NCS in each ocean region automatically monitors the processing of such calls by other LESs in that region and processes calls if any anomaly exists in the system.
  • If all satellite channels are busy then one of them will be preempted by a Distress request.
  • Correct Answer
    Any Distress request is automatically switched to an Inmarsat Distress working frequency.
  • Any request message with Distress priority is automatically recognized by the LES and a satellite channel is instantly assigned.
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How may a Distress Alert be initiated to a specific RCC through Iridium?

  • By transmitting the Distress message on the U.S. Coast Guard's Iridium monitoring channel.
  • By adding the word "Distress" in the first line of the message's preamble.
  • All Iridium terminals chose the optimum RCC based upon the vessel’s SAR jurisdiction.
  • Correct Answer
    By programming the preferred RCC and then pressing the dedicated Alert keys.
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How is an Iridium Distress alert routed to the correct RCC?

  • Correct Answer
    The RCC is determined by the geographical area of the vessel or chosen manually by the ship’s officers.
  • By dialing the correct code on the telephone remote unit.
  • By contacting the LES operator and announcing a Distress condition is in progress.
  • By contacting the LES operator using the radiotelephone Distress procedure "Mayday” ... etc.
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What is the best way to use Iridium to alert an RCC of a Distress and then follow-up with voice SAR communications?

  • Using the combo Alert/voice feature and then dial the telephone number of the RCC.
  • Correct Answer
    Using the combo Alert/Voice feature. The terminal will initiate a Distress voice call to the RCC,
  • It is necessary to wait until the RCC receives the Alert requesting they initiate a voice call to the vessel.
  • First use the Alert feature and then wait for the RCC to call back to the vessel.
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Why is the correct selection of the LES in the Inmarsat-C Distress Alert Setup menu so crucial?

  • Each LES has its own dedicated RCC whose jurisdiction is defined by the LES selected.
  • Correct Answer
    The LES choice determines the nationality of the RCC which will handle the Distress traffic and perform SAR duties or that will pass the particulars to the RCC with jurisdiction to coordinate the SAR situation.
  • Inmarsat-C terminals use the GPS position to automatically determine the optimum LES choice in a Distress situation.
  • The vessel need not select the LES because the NCS will always intercept a Distress priority call and route it to the closest RCC.
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If an Inmarsat Distress Alert Setup menu contains an incorrect or unavailable LES code what happens to the Distress Alert transmission?

  • The NCS updates the LES codes in the Distress Alert Setup menu as the vessel moves from ocean region to ocean region to ensure this does not happen.
  • The NCS will send a Distress Alert Setup incorrect LES code alarm so the alert can be corrected and re- transmitted.
  • Correct Answer
    The NCS will step in and route the Distress Alert transmission to an RCC.
  • If the LES code is incorrect then the Distress Alert transmission is not detected by any RCC.
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